The Death of Call of Duty

Activision sure put out a lot of Call of Duty titles. Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops and the soon to be released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.  Also included are the spin offs The Finest Hour and Big Red One.  Call of Duty has come a long way since its first release in 2003 to the highly anticipated Modern Warfare 3 scheduled to release this year. Call of Duty is a popular franchise and to this day it still is, but each game seems to get worse than the last.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was a change to the Call of Duty franchise because of its new additions, including the Create-a-Class, Perks System and the change to the modern era.  Everybody was excited about the departure from the overused World War II era to a completely new modern era. The help of a new developer known as Infinity Ward made this happen. The game was well-received critically, and is still easily one of the best Call of Duty titles to be released.

After Modern Warfare came World at War, developed by the already well-known Treyarch. While the competitive online saw little to no changes, Treyarch did introduce a cooperative experience that overjoyed fans of the series-Nazi Zombies. While Nazi Zombies didn’t have anything to do with the single player campaign, and in reality had nothing to do with World War II, many of the fans enjoyed it.  I, myself am a big fan of this Nazi Zombies mode, despite its completely random outing. This Nazi Zombies game mode helped earn Treyarch a high amount of sales of Call of Duty: World at War. The addition of other maps helped earn Treyarch some money, bringing with them an entirety of new zombie maps as well.  Then, only a year later, Infinity Ward returned with the somehow critically acclaimed Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty: World at War Went Back to the WWII era

Modern Warfare 2 practically spelled out the demise of Call of Duty.  From the insane amount of hit markers to the annoying infinite grenade launcher, or n00b tube as players have outed it, with One Man Army Pro. The nuisances of the game only continues with the high amount of players running around with the Lightweight, Marathon and Commando Perks. The Tactical Nuke killstreak, which seemed like a good idea at first, only influenced more campers than ever before. Unfortunately for fans, Modern Warfare 2 was undoubtedly the first Call of Duty game to start the demise of the franchise. Along with the campers and incredibly cheap perks came the shotguns as secondary weapons. Despite adding an insane amount of firepower, the shotguns were insanely overpowered bringing with it incredibly unrealistic ranges. Let’s also be a little more realistic. It is nearly impossible to shoot two shotguns and not fall back. We mustn’t forget the Model 1887 dual wield glitch which had more range and power most guns in the game. The thousands of elevator glitches and modded lobbies especially started tearing the franchise apart. People with unlimited ammo and god mode nearly made the game unplayable. The lawsuit on Activision by the founders of Infinity Ward only worried fans more when they found out some of the most talented developers in Infinity Ward won’t be showing up in the franchise’s next iteration-Modern Warfare 3.

At that point, fans once again grew excited by the promise we were made to believe by Treyarch, as they claimed to deliver an immersive experience with the latest entry-Call of Duty: Black Ops. Boy, were we wrong for believing that. The hit markers were once again ridiculous and the campers only seemed to get worse. Flak Jacket, a perk set to reduce explosive damage, didn’t reduce it-it actually completely protected you.  A person can take claymores, 2 RPG shots and grenade launchers and still manage to run away unharmed. As stated, the grenade launchers were insane in Modern Warfare 2.  However, that does not mean Treyarch should make them so weak that it seems like its just a little tickle. It seems like the only way to kill someone is if you are an inch away from them or manage to get a direct impact. Along with the grenade launchers, the RPGs are also very underpowered. Yet, somehow, the claymores are more powerful than both combined. Also, there’s no running past these bad boys because they trigger when you get as much as 3 feet away, but again if you have Flack Jacket you’re just fine. Nazi Zombies does make a return, but it doesn’t feel as fresh as it did when it first showed up in World at War. Sure, it was still fun, but it didn’t attract many players like it did the first time around.

Sorry, Sally, But There Was No Improvement Here

Call of Duty is dying and dying very fast for that matter. Activision is losing most of its fans to EA’s newest entry to the Battlefield franchise, Battlefield 3. However, can the only recently announced Modern Warfare 3 save Call of Duty? With the trailer looking practically identical to Modern Warfare 2 and at the rate it is going, I personally don’t think so. Activision better hope Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward can manage to pull a Jesus with this franchise. Until then, the casket is open, Call of Duty. Will Battlefield put you in it?

    • no
    • July 30th, 2011

    this entire article is very much one persons opinion. you seem to have a problem with COD in general but by no means does that mean COD is going down the toilet. MW3 will more than likely shatter its own records even if battlefield is a good game. you complain that mw2 explosives work to well but in black ops there not good enough. if mw2 and black ops were bad games they wouldnt have sold so many copies. i personally am not a fan of black ops but your article is to the extent of hate.

    • Actually the sales of a next instalment release depends on the reputation of its predecessor. Naturally people will buy the next game expecting something even better, some people do but in this case most people didn’t and when black ops came about people again expected that to be an improvement seeing how Treyarch were making it (again this was based upon the reputation that world at war made) but again the only good thing to come out of that was the ‘nuke town’ map. I agree with the writer here that the CoD series is going under. Maybe MW3 will bring it back and millions of people are willing to give this series a 3rd chance just to see.

    • Felix Harmony
    • August 1st, 2011

    VERY true, MW3 will break records even if it sucks, just because COD has a nack for doing that, BF3 will most likely be a better quality game sure, but MW3 has to much of a cult following to die

    • alejandro garcia
    • August 1st, 2011

    dude this just ur opinion u now billions of poeple disagree with you and millions may agree with u but its not a fact

    • locashcrack
    • August 21st, 2011

    this article is garbage. where are the references and sources? its all just one players opinion of games that all still have huge online populations playing at any given time. total BS

    • Zaki
    • September 26th, 2011

    Even though I owned every single “Cod” I must completely agree with the article writer. Especially on copy-pasted MW3.Good to see that there are stiil realistic people out there.

  1. June 9th, 2011

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