Pros and Cons of PSN Trophies

As we know, Xbox 360 held the upper hand when it came to an achievement system. Gamers all around the world loved this feature. So, Sony took it upon themselves to create a system of their own. Sony released an update that added Trophy support for most games at the time, eventually mandating all games to support the new feature. The fanboys were ecstatic, creating numerous sites dedicated to what is being called Trophy Whoring. Trophies are welcomed my many, and hated by others. What is it about trophies that have people worked up?

Trophies definitely add more replay value to a game, if one may care to earn them. It gives you reason to go back at the game and earn as many Trophies as you can. It helps add a competitive nature to the Playstation Network, allowing you to compete with other friends in trophy comparisons. You also have sites like that create competitions dedicated to Trophy Collecting. These sites also help connect Trophy Collectors as one to add for a very nice social experience. Trophies add for a nice, social and fun way to play games.

However, with every welcome addition there are others that aren’t so welcome. There are other people who go beyond the title of Trophy Collectors. These people are dubbed Trophy Whores. These are people who buy outlandish games, solely to up their Trophy Percentage. Now, of course if you enjoy the game, there is nothing wrong with said actions. But buying a game like Hannah Montana: The Movie is a bit much just to have a nonexistant, virtual Trophy. Also comes the question as to what Trophies do? Yes, you can compete with others. Yes, you get a nice percentage added to your overall level. But what do they do? The answer to that is of course, nothing. Certain games added some nice rewards into the Trophies, but not all. Games like Final Fantasy XIII rewarded players with themes based on characters of the game when they earned certain Silver and Gold Trophies. This is only a start of what could and should be. With Playstation Home launched and dynamic themes being quite costly, Trophies can unlock many new things. Home costumes based on characters of the game or a dynamic theme based on the game. Its what should be. Reward players and the players would reward developers with our cash to buy the game.

Trophies provide a unique experience in gaming, and its something that is most loved by gamers everywhere, on both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Even Wii has a taste of it with certain games. Lets only hope for a better future with it, including true rewards for gamers everywhere.

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